Who Manoeuvres the “Islamic Modernists”? A Focus on Libya

1 min read


“Timbuktu is in the hands of Islamic fundamentalists”. This is what newspaper headlines and agencies wrote in early July 2012, reporting the destruction of mosques and shrines by militants of Ansar ed-Din, who had taken control of the holy city of Mali.
Here we are not interested in entering into the merits of the clash between the militants and the government, or between the militants and the “secular” Tuareg, who were their allies just a short time ago. But one thing must be said: without the elimination of Gaddafi, who was not an “atheist” at all, that pandemonium in Mali – which follows the “masterpiece” in Libya operated by individuals of the same mindset – would not have been possible…

Leggi tutto l’articolo di Enrico Galoppini: galoppini_who_manoeuvres_islamic_modernists

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