Partner search in the field of European Integration

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Presentation of the Institute: The Centro Studi Eurasia Mediterraneo (CeSEM) was born in Trieste in 2012 from a group of contributors of Eurasia. Rivista di studi geopolitici, who aimed at giving birth to a new instrument of analysis in addiction to the already existing channels of information, such as the review, the seminars and the website.CeSEM is willing to promote publications, documentaries, seminars as well as meetings with scholars, experts but also common people not only interested in the study of geopolitics, but who also have a point of view that embraces the peculiarities of the Euroasian mass and the specificities of the Mediterranean basin. Taking into account the characteristics these areas share in terms of history, culture, religion and philosophy, CeSEM aims to interpret objectively today’s occurrences, as well as to promote a model of social and economical development not affected by the theory of the “clash of civilisations”, or by an ideological approach towards the free market.At present, the world is facing a significant shift from a unipolar system whose centre is the United States’ hegemony, to a multipolar one (BRICS, Eurasian Union, “neobolivarism” in South America, the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, or the European Union, provided the latter can distance itself from the Euro-Atlantic guide). This phase appears complex and articulated, therefore, CeSEM finds its main aims in providing the readers with interpretative keys to understand the historical moment, and promote both knowledge and awareness useful to boost this transition.To do that, CeSEM can rely on a group of interdisciplinary contributors – able of providing analyses of several contexts from different perspectives – who will deepen international and regional themes, as well as a wide range of governmental realitiesWhat we would like to doCeSEM is willing to promote a full awareness within the European states on the common roots, in terms of history and culture, they share. The Institute believes that a Europe that is fully united can be stronger when facing the possible future political and economic challenges.Therefore, we would like to promote a series of workshops regarding the European integration. We aim at designing a number of meetings, where experts from different fields (economics, law, history, etc.) can provide the participants with the necessary information on the birth of the European Union.In fact, we would like to promote a series of lessons where people can access the due information on the milestones leading to the establishment of the European Union: from the European community of coal and steel, to the birth of the European Union; the steps towards the Euro as a common currency for more than a half of the member states; the juridical basis of the Union and their evolution.Nevertheless, as a number of new countries from Eastern Europe have become member states, our goal will be to underline how they can positively contribute to make the union grow more unified. This will surely help to create a greater consciousness of the importance of the role played by each state within the European Union, avoiding division and prejudices.Information and contact: Mr. William Bavone (Scientific Director – CeSEM). Contact e-mail address:


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